List of Papers Published
April 1, 1994 - March 31, 1995
(links to abstracts provided where available)


Large Fragmentation of the Pairing-Vibration Particle Strength in 145 Sm
L. Trache, A.M. Oros, Gh. Cata-Danil, K.O. Zell, P. von Brentano, G. Graw, D. Hofer, E. Muller-Zanotti
Phys. Rev. C 49, R1742 (April 1994)

Neutron Single-Particle Energies Around the N=82 Shell Closure
A.M. Oros, L. Trache, P. von Brentano, K. Heyde, G. Graw
Phys. Scripta. T56, 292 (1995)

On the Plane Fragmentation Barriers
G. Royer and F. Haddad
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 20, L131 (November, 1994)

On the Stability of Rotating Nuclei Against Fission Through Creviced Shapes
G. Royer and F. Haddad
J. Physics. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 21, 339 (March, 1995)

From Fission To Scattering in the 100Mo (18.7 MeV/u) + 100 Mo Reaction Within a Microscopic Dynamic Approach
F. Haddad, G. Royer, F. Sebille and B. Remaud
Nucl. Phys. A572, 459 (May, 1994)

Charge-Exchange Reactions in a Three-Body Eikonal Approach
E.O. Alt, G.V. Avakov, L.D. Blokhintsev, A.S. Kadyrov, and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov
J. Phys. B: At. Mol and Opt. Phys. B27, 4653 (October, 1994)

Overall Normalization of the Astrophysical S Factor and the Nuclear Vertex Constant for 7Be(p, gamma)8B Reactions
H.M. Xu, C.A. Gagliardi, R.E. Tribble, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov and N.K. Timofeyuk
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2027 (October, 1994)

Few-Body Problems in Nuclear Astrophysics. Asymptotic Behaviour of Bound State Wave Functions in Two-Body Channels and Radiative Capture Reactions
L.D. Blokhintsev and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov
14th International IUPAP Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics
Williamsburg, Virginia, ed. Franz Gross, p. 39-42 (May 1994)

Coulomb Post Acceleration in Coulomb Break-Up Reactions in
Asymptotic Three-Body Approach
E.O. Alt, B.F. Irgaziev and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov
14th International IUPAP Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics
Williamsburg, Virginia, ed. Franz Gross, p. 761-764 (May 1994)

Azimuthal Correlation Functions and the Energy of Vanishing Flow In Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
A. Buta, J.C. Angelique, G. Auger, G. Bizard, R. Brou, C. Cabot, Y. Cassagnou, E. Crema, D. Cussol, Y. el Masri, Ph. Eudes, M. Gonin, K. Hagel, Z.Y. He, A. Kerambrun, C. Lebrun, R. Legrain, J.P. Patry, A. Peghaire, J. Peter, R. Popescu, R. Regimbart, E. Rosato, F. Saint-Laurent, J.C. Steckmeyer, B. Tamain, E. Vient, R. Wada
Nucl. Phys. A584, 397 (February, 1995)

Exploring the Validity of the Z=38 and Z=50 Proton Closed Shells in Even-Even Mo Isotopes, and Odd-A Tc Isotopes
Haydeh Dejbakshsh and S. Shlomo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary
Padova Italy (June 1994)

The Breathing Mode and Nuclear Matter Incompressibiltiy Coefficient
S. Shlomo and D.H. Youngblood
Proceedings in the IV International Conference on Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure
Dubna, Russia (July 1994)

Structure of the Even-Even Kr Isotopes Within the Interacting Boson Model
H. Dejbakhsh, A. Kolomietz and S. Shlomo
Phys. Rev. C 51, 573 (February 1995)

On the Decay of Many-Body System
G.M. Vagradov and S. Shlomo
Phys. Scripta, 51, 159 (February 1995)

Phi Meson Mass in Hot and Dense Matter
M. Asakawa and C.M. Ko
Nucl. Phys. A572, 732 (May 1994)

Role of the a1 Meson in Dilepton Production From Hot Hadronic Matter
Chungsik Song and Che Min Ko
Phys. Rev. D50, R1827 (August 1994)

Hadron Widths in Mixed-Phase Matter
David Seibert and Che Ming Ko
Phys. Rev. C 50, R559 (August 1994)

Particle Properties in Medium and Their Effects on Observed Spectra
C.M. Ko and G.Q. Li
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multi-Particle Correlation and particle Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Nates, France (September 1994)

Chiral Restoration in Heavy Ion Collisions
C.M. Ko and G.Q. Li,
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics
Beijing, China (August 1994)

Strangeness Production in Hot Dense Matter
Che Ming Ko
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Strangeness in Hadronic Matter
Tucson, Arizona (January 1995)

Secondary Phi Meson Peak as an Indicator of Qcd Phase Transition in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
M. Asakawa and c.M. Ko
Phys. Rev. C 50, 3064 (December 1994)

Can Dileptons Reveal the In-Medium Properties of Vector Mesons?
G.Q. Li and C.M. Ko
Nucl. Phys. A582, 731 (January 1995)

Subthreshold AntiKaon Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
G.Q. Li, C.M. Ko, and X.S. Fang
Phys. Lett B 329, 149 (June 1994)

Quark Condensate in Nuclear Matter
G.Q. Li and C.M. Ko
Phys. Lett B 338, 118 (October 1994)

Antiproton Production in Ni + Ni Collisions at 1.85 GeV/Nucleon
G.Q. Li and C.M. Ko
Phys. Rev. C 50, 1725 (September 1994)

Hadrons in Dense Matter
C.M. Ko and G.Q. Li
Nucl. Phys. A583, 591 (February 1995)

The Relativistic Transport Model Description of Subthreshold Kaon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
X.S. Fang, C.M. Ko, G.Q. Li and Y.M. Zheng
Nucl. Phys. A575, 766 (August 1994)

Kaon Flow as a Probe of the Kaon Potential in Nuclear Medium
G.Q. Li, C.M. Ko and Bao-An Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 235 (January 1995)

Revisit of coulomb Effects on Pi-/Pi+ Ratio in Heavy Ion Collisions
Bao-An Li
Phys. Lett. B 346, 5 (March, 1995)

Near-Threshold K+ Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Bao-An Li
Phys. Rev. C 50, 2144 (October 1994)

Effects on N*(1440) Resonance on Particle Production in Heavy-Ion
Collisions at Subthreshold Energies
Bao-An Li, C.M. Ko and G.Q. Li
Phys. Rev. C 50, R2675 (December 1994)

Photon Vector-Meson Coupling and Vector Meson Properties in Low Temperature Pion Gas
Su Houng Lee, Chungsik Song and Hiroyuki Yabu
Phys. Lett. B 341, 407 (January 1995)

Azimuthal Dependence of the Directed Flow in Collisions Up to 95 MeV/u From In-Plane to Out-Of-Plane Enhancement
J.C. Angelique, r. Popescu, G. Auger, G. Bizard, R. Brou, A. Buta, C. Cabot, E. Crema, D. Cussol Y. El Masri, Ph. Eudes, M. Gonin, K. Hagel, Z.Y. He, A. Kerambrun, C. Lebrun, J.P. Patry, A. Peghaire, J. Peter, R. Regimbart, E. Rosato, F. Saint-Laurent, J.C. Steckmeyer, B. Tamain, E Vient, and R. Wada
Nuc. Phys. A583, 543 (February 1995)

Production and Thickness Determination of Thin Plastic Scintillator Foils
B. Xiao, S. Lee, K. Hagel, F. Haddad, J. Li, Y. Lou, N. Mdeiwayeh, R. Tezkratt, R. Wada, D. Utley and J.B. Natowitz
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A355, 258 (February 1995)

Light-Particle Evaporation as a Function of Neutron Excess for Medium-Mass Compound Nuclei with Ex = 2 Mev/u
Y. Lou, M. Gonin, R. Wada, K. Hagel, J. Li, B. Xiao, m. Gui, D. Utley, R. Tezkratt, L. Cooke, T. Botting, B. Hurst, D. O'Kelley, G. Mouchaty, R.P. Schmitt, W. Turmel, J.B. Natowitz, D. Fabris, G. Nebbia, G. Viesta, J. Ruiz, B. Burch, F. Gramegna, M. Poggi, G. Prete, M.E. Brandan and A. Menchacha-Rocha
Nucl. Phys. A581, 373 (January 1995)

Excitation Energy Dependence of the Fission Probability in 200 Pb Compound Nuclei
D. Fabris, G. Viesti, E. Fioretto, M. Cinausero, N. Gelli, K. Hagel, F. Lucarelli, J.B. Natowitz, G. Nebbia, G. Prete and R. Wada
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2676 (November 1994)

Alpha Particle Emission as a Probe of the Level Density in Highly Excited A ~ 200 Nuclei
D. Fabris, E. Fioretto, G. Viesti, M. Cinausero, N. Gelli, K. Hagel, F. Lucarelli, J.B. Natowitz, G. Nebbia, G. Prete, and R. Wada
Phys. Rev. C 50 R1261 (September 1994)

Light Emission From a NaCl Target Bombarded by Ar Ions and the Mechanism for the Beam Energy Dependence of the Light Yield From Ag and Na atoms
Chariar Assad and Robert E. Tribble
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B 93, 427 (September 1994)

Competition Between Statistical and Dynamical Processes in the Decay of Hot Nuclei
R. Wada, M. Gui, K. Hagel, R. Tezkratt, G.X. Dai, M. Gonin, J. Blackadar, Y. Lou, D. Utley, B. Xiao, J. li, N. Mdeiwayeh, J.B. Natowitz, G. enders, W. Kuhn, V. Metag, R. Novotny, O. Schwalb, R.J. Charity, R. Freifelder, A. Gobbi, W. Henning, K.D. Hildenbrand, R. Mayer, R.S. Simon, J.P. Wessels, G. Casini, A. Olmi, A.A. Stefaninin, G. Cibor, T. Kozic, Z. Majka, and Z. Sosin
Proceedings of the Fourth International School on Nuclear Physics
Kiev, Ukraine (September 1994)

Dynamic Restrictions on the De-Excitation of Hot Nuclei
J.B. Natowitz
Proceedings of the XXXVII National Congress of Physics,
Cancun, Mexico (September 1994)

Xenon Recoil-Ion Charge Distributions Produced in Electron, Capture and Loss Collisions of 8 MeV/u Kr
R. Parameswaran, R.L. Watson, V. Horvat, G. Sampoll, and D.A. Church
Z. Phys. D 33, 61 (1994)

Spectra of L X-Rays From Fast, Highly Charged Xe Ions Traveling in Solids
V. Horvat, R.L. Watson, and R. Parameswaran
Phys. Rev. A51, 363 (January 1995)

Fragmentation Barriers of Toroidal and Bubble Nuclei
H.M. Xu, C.A. Gagliardi, R.E. Tribble, and C.Y. Wong
Phys. Rev. C 49, R1778 (April 1994)

Construction of the Mega Photon Detector
M. Barakat, Y. Chen, S. Conrad, M. Cooper, M. Dzemidzic, J.A. Flick, C. Gagliardi, E.V. Hungerford, K. Jonston, G.J. Kim, K. Lan, F. Liu, Y.C. Lu, B.W. Mayes, R. Mischke, R. Phelps, L.S. Pinsky, D. Semon, R.E. Tribble, L.G. Tang, S.L. Tu, L. van Ausdeln, W. von Witsch, H.Z. Wang, X.Y. Yao
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A349, 118 (September 1994)

Excitation Energy Deposition in Central Collisions of 40 AMeV 40Ar With 232Th
D. Utley, R. Wada, K. Hagel, J. Li, X. Bin, M. Gui, Y. Lou, R. Tezkratt, J.B. Natowitz, M. Gonin
Phys. Rev. C 49, R1737 (April 1994)

Violent Collisions and Multifragment Final States in the
40Ca + 40Ca Reaction at 35 MeV/u
K. Hagel, M. Gonin, R. Wada, J.B. Natowitz, F. Haddad, Y. Lou, M. Gui, D. Utley, B. Xiao, J. Li, G. Nebbia, D. Fabris, G. Prete, J. Ruiz, X.C. Hu, A Demeyer, C. Pastor, A. Giornio, A. Lleres, P. Stassi, J.B. Viano and P. Gonthier
Phys. Rev. C 50, 2017 (October 1994)

Alpha Particle Emission as a Probe of the Level Density in Highly Excited A ~ 200 Nuclei
D. Fabris, E. Fioretto, G. Viesti, M. Cinausero, N. Gelli, K. Hagel, F. Lucarelli, J.B. Natowitz, G. Nebbia, G. Prete, and R. Wada
Phys. Rev. C 50, R1261 (September 1994)

Excitation Energy Dependence of the Fission Probability in 200Pb Compound Nuclei
D. Fabris, G. Viesti, E. Fioretto, M. Cinausero, N. Gelli, K. Hagel, F. Lucarelli
J.B. Natowitz, G. Nebbia, G. Prete, R. Wada
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2676 (November 1994)

Mulitfragmentation for 35 MeV/u 40Ca + 40Ca. An Experiment Confronts the Models
K. Hagel, M. Gonin, R. Wada, J.B. Natowitz, B.H. Sa, Y. Lou, M. Gui, D. Utley, G. Nebbia, D. Fabris, G. Prete, J. Ruiz, D. Drain, B. Chambon, B. Cheynis, D. Guinet, X.C. Hu, A. Demeyer, C. Pastor, A. Giorni, A. Lleres, P. Stassi, J.B. Viano, and P. Gonthier
Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations
Herschegg, Austria, H. Feldmeir and W. Norenberg, ed. p. 125, 1994

Production and Thickness Determination of Thin Plastic Scintillator Foils
B. Xiao, S. Lee, K. Hagel, F. Haddad, J. Li, Y. Lou, N. Mdeiwayeh, R. Tezkratt, R. Wada, D. Utley and J.B. Natowitz
Nucl. Instrum and Methods. A355, 258 (February 1995)

A Flexible 4 Pi Neutron Detector For In-Beam Studies: The Texas A&M Neutron Ball
R.P. Shmitt, L. Cooke, G. Derrig, D. Fabris, B. Hurst, J.B. Natowitz, G. Nebbia, D. O'Kelley, B.K. Srivastava, W. Turmel, D. Utley, H. Utsunomiya and R. Wada
Nucl. Instrum. and Methods A354, 487 (January 1995)